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​How to help

Get more involved in the system and help children have a chance to survive. Get the information out there and circulated to as many people as possible.



Children are being aged out of foster care as soon as they turn 18 and have no place to go, yet are expected to survive.  In 2013, more than 23,000 young people, which states failed to reunite with their families or place in permanent homes, aged out of foster care, only because they were too old to remain.



Impliment programs that help children build life and work skills, and have a job before they are released from care. GED and college programs should be apart of the foster care system to ready these kids for jobs that do not require flipping burgers.

​Latest project


While there are some programs for helping children out of foster care and into college, it is limited. Let us make it mandatory to start GED and/ or trade schools in the system so after they must leave they have a trade or at the very least a foot in the door to college.


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